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Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

SocialBamBam is an innovative eLearning platform dedicated to empowering youths in Africa with in-demand digital and vocational skills.

Our platform offers a wide range of free basic courses, allowing learners to acquire essential knowledge in areas such as programming, web development, data analysis, graphic design, and digital marketing. With a self-paced learning approach, learners can study at their own convenience and access course materials, interactive discussions, and practical exercises.

We aims to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among learners.

Kindly, join us to unlock your potentials in the digital world!

Yes, almost all our basic courses are offered free of charge to empower youths in Africa with essential digital and vocational skills.

To enroll in a course, simply create an account on our website, by clicking here.

After having an account, navigate to Courses link on the top navigation menu or click here, to browse our course catalog, and then click on desired course, for enrollment.

Our platform offers a wide range of in-demand and vocational digital skill courses, including programming languages, web development, data analysis, machine learning, SEO, graphic design, digital marketing, and more.

Our courses are designed to be self-paced, allowing learners to study at their own convenience and progress through the material at their preferred speed.

Yes, we offer certificates of completion for our courses. Learners who successfully finish a course will receive a certificate that can be downloaded and shared.

Most of our basic courses do not have prerequisites and are suitable for beginners. However, some advanced courses may require prior knowledge or experience in specific areas.

Once enrolled in a course, you will have access to all the course materials, including video lectures, readings, assignments, quizzes and additional resources, through our online learning platform.

Yes, our platform provides discussion forums, where learners can interact with instructors and fellow learners, ask questions, and engage in discussions.

Absolutely! Many of our courses include practical exercises, projects, and quizzes to reinforce learning and provide hands-on experience in applying the skills taught.

Our platform offers progress tracking features that allow you to monitor your course progress, view completed assignments, and track your performance throughout the course.

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